工厂模式(Factory Pattern)是java中最常用的设计模式之一,这种类型设计模式属于创建型模式,它提供了一种创建对象的最佳方式。在工厂模式中,我们在创建对象是不会对客户暴露创建逻辑,并且是通过使用一个共同的接口,以此来达到解耦的目的。
1、简单工厂模式 (Simple Factory)
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| public abstract class Car { } public enum CarType { BMW, AUDI, DAZHONG; }
public class BmwCar extends Car{ public BmwCar(){ System.out.println("这是宝马车"); } } public class AudiCar extends Car{ public AudiCar(){ System.out.println("这是奥迪车"); } } public class DaZhongCar extends Car { public DaZhongCar() { System.out.println("这是大众车"); } }
public class CarFactory {
public static Car createCar(CarType carType) { switch (carType) { case BMW: return new BmwCar(); case AUDI: return new AudiCar(); case DAZHONG: return new DaZhongCar(); default: return null; } }
public static void main(String[] args) { CarFactory.createCar(CarType.AUDI); } }
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| 这是奥迪车
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2、工厂方法模式(Factory Method)
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| public interface Factory {
Car createCar(); } public class AudiFactory implements Factory{ @Override public Car createCar() { return new AudiCar(); } } public class BmwFactory implements Factory{ @Override public Car createCar() { return new BmwCar(); } } public class DaZhongFactory implements Factory{ @Override public Car createCar() { return new DaZhongCar(); } }
public class ConsumerTest { public static void main(String[] args) { final BmwFactory bmwFactory = new BmwFactory(); bmwFactory.createCar(); } }
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| 这是宝马车
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1)抽象工厂角色: 这是工厂方法模式的核心,它与应用程序无关。是具体工厂角色必须实现的接口或者必须继承的父类。在java中它由抽象类或者接口来实现。
3、抽象工厂模式 (Abstract Factory)
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| public interface Factory {
Car createCar();
double pricing(); }
public class AudiFactory implements Factory { @Override public Car createCar() { return new AudiCar(); }
@Override public double pricing() { System.out.println("定价:20_0000"); return 20_0000; } } public class BmwFactory implements Factory { @Override public Car createCar() { return new BmwCar(); }
@Override public double pricing() { System.out.println("定价:25_0000"); return 25_0000; } } public class DaZhongFactory implements Factory { @Override public Car createCar() { return new DaZhongCar(); }
@Override public double pricing() { System.out.println("定价:18_0000"); return 18_0000; } }
public class ConsumerTest { public static void main(String[] args) { final BmwFactory bmwFactory = new BmwFactory(); bmwFactory.createCar(); bmwFactory.pricing(); } }